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Original Post #23580 (0.0000), 12:26pm Friday, April 18th, 2014
NRi: 0.2500
Lifestyle Watches

Time is important. For people on the go, owning a watch is of extreme importance. The need to be on time is the way of life on this fast-paced earth. Watches come in all shapes and forms. All functioning the way it should, telling you the time. Since you are going to look at your watch several times a day, you might as well be looking at something appealing, nice, and attractive. Watches are necessities as well as accessories. Which watch should you pick and for what purpose?
1. Sports
In sports, watches are important as it shows you how fast you are traveling. There are specialty watches for flying, running, racing and the like. These watches are mostly digital and can double up as a stopwatch. They are usually durable and could withstand air pressure and shock. Some watches can measure speed over time. It has navigational bezels for this purpose.
2. Work
It is best to select watches that have clear dials and a second hand. Some watches have built-in timers or alarms in it, which will remind you of your deadlines and your appointments. Select the one that has a day and date as well, so you need not check your planner for that.
3. Home and Leisure
If you are just lying and relaxing around the house, time isn't all that important. You can use those light-weight watches with leather bands or plastic wrist bands. This way, you won't worry about it being scratched or wet as you go around your daily household routine. For home use, select the simplest ones.
4. Formal nights
Watches should go with your dress attire during party nights or social functions. You can show off your luxury watch during such occasions. Watches that are studded with diamond and gems give a hint of elegance.
5. Casual
If you're going to a mall or to a picnic, you can wear those trendy watches from fashion brand designers like Michael Kors Watches, TAG Heuer Watches Breitling Watches or relox etc. These trendy watches are usually unique in style, color, and band material. It goes well with your casual look. When shopping for a casual watch, keep in mind, it's time to create a fashion statement with your watch!

Another important thing to consider is the movement of the watch. Movement determines the accuracy of the watch. You can select automatic or kinetic watch, so you need not replace batteries at all. But a quartz watch offers accuracy. It will not stop as long as the batteries are good. Choosing the right watch does matter. This ensures getting the utmost form and function out of it. Take into account the brand of the watch also. By doing so, you'll be able to select the right style within your price range.

This post's rating: 0.0000
Post #24852 (0.0000), 3:38am Thursday, April 24th, 2014
NRi: 0.2500
A Great Place to Buy Watches: Las Vegas

Las Vegas typically brings to mind visions of huge casinos, mountains of cash, and luxury lifestyles that few in the world can sustain for long.

Due to the vast amount of visitors to the city and of course the amazing wealth that abounds in Las Vegas, there is a huge and ever growing luxury watch market on the world famous strip.
There are destination brand boutiques that only carry the pieces from the brand that own the store and there are also stores that carry multiple brands. It is not unusual to find stores in Las Vegas that have twenty or more watch brands under one roof and the strip is also home to the largest watch store in the world that carries almost a hundred different watch brands.The selection of watches in Las Vegas, is to be honest, staggering.

Just about any brand you can think of is available and also many others you may not of heard of before. But the real beauty of the selection available is the opportunity to view time pieces you may not se anywhere local to where you live.

If you are interested in seeing tourbillion watches that exceed half a million dollars and upwards it is very easy to find them on the strip.

You can, of course, also find watches of a more typical price point of anywhere from a few hundred dollars and upwards.It is also a great place to find limited edition pieces that may be examples of only a few hundred pieces or less in existence.A lot of limited pieces are sent to Vegas simply because they are very likely to be sold there due to the enormous amount of people passing through from all over the world on a daily basis.

It is also a fantastic place to pick up a good deal on pre owned watches that have been traded in by visitors who put their old watch against the value of a new watch to enact a discount.

Again due to the huge volume and variety of people passing through it creates an immense selection of pre owned watches that are available as a constant flow.
Pre owned watches of just about any brand or time period you can think of can be found in Las Vegas.
It is not uncommon to find pieces that were not for sale in America upon release but are traded in by tourists who are visiting from other countries.

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