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Meta » General » NHL stars from Czech Republic and Canadian from Great Britain
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Original Post #28092 (0.0000), 6:33am Friday, August 13th, 2021
NRi: 0.2500
On May 21, the Russian national ice hockey team will play with the Czech Republic in the first match of the World Championship in Riga. At the group stage, Valery Bragin's charges will also meet with the national teams of Great Britain, Slovakia, Denmark, Switzerland, Sweden and Belarus. Some rivals have managed to attract real stars from the NHL clubs to their roster, which should be feared in the first place. With whom the Russians will have to fight for reaching the quarterfinals - in the RT material. Head coach Philip Peshan had excellent players at his disposal such as goalkeeper Szymon Grubets, defender Filip Gronek, strikers Tomas Zogorna, pin up casino giris Jan Kovar, Filip Zadina and Philip Hitil, all of whom are potential World Championship stars. Now they will be joined by Dominik Kubalik and Jakub Vrana. The former had another good season at the Chicago Blackhawks and became the third top scorer on his team. The second was unable to stay with the Washington Capitals, but relaunched his career with the Detroit Red Wings and averaged points per game at the end of the season. With them, the attack of the Czech national team can rightfully be considered one of the best in the entire tournament.

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Post #28109 (0.0000), 6:32pm Friday, August 27th, 2021
NRi: 0.2500
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Post #28126 (0.0000), 6:12pm Saturday, September 11th, 2021
NRi: 0.2500
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Meta » General » NHL stars from Czech Republic and Canadian from Great Britain
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