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Original Post #15112 (0.0000), 3:59am Sunday, December 22nd, 2013
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Post #15113 (0.0000), 4:00am Sunday, December 22nd, 2013
NRi: 0.2500
Ususally my nose is throbbing from the swollen sebaceous glands. I say it again, I am very scared of a drug that has this powerful effect in that period of time. Its like something out of whack has been corrected. It almost feels as if my body needed this, it makes me wonder how it works. I look mildly flushed compared to how I used to look. I am happy and at the same time scared to death. Some individuals lives are ruined by this drug. It is like a switch has been thrown and my oil glands are being told to stop. I gotta tell ya, you probably wont believe me though.I've been doing research on the internet about Accutane and becoming a little scared now about my situation. My pores which I double checked with my Wife are reduced by over 50 percent. My wife is throwing a party this weekend and I am actually looking forward to it. It actually looks smaller. To the rosaceans who may be vieiwing this log, I feel extreme hot flushes in the cheek but not my nose, however when I check to see how bad it is, it is insignificant. Roaccutane online UK.During treatment, as was noted earlier, you may notice a temporary worsening of your acne before it begins to clear up. . I was blotting 10 times a day with tissues to soak up oil. Slightly dry upper lip is all I I have read many horror stories about this drug, I wont go into the details. My acne was under control from a year on Doxycycline, so I didnt have much when I started Accutane. It does not happen to everyone, and even if it does happen, Accutane (isotretinoin) is still working-in the large majority of patients, acne will clear up with continued treatment. My job is already one hundred percent better. I really want to take even lower doses. My side effects are extremely mild to none. I am not sure what I am going to do yet. But, if it occurs, notify your doctor. However, by now I should be breaking out gang busters with Acne Vulgaris all over my nose. Miracle or shall see. Well, I will be taking my 6th pill in a few minutes.. My pores are shrinking at a rapid rate. It is feeling of normal size again. . I now blot 4 to 5 times a day during work. Low dose this drug might just be heaven sent. I find that it is the high dosers who report the worst problems. I truly believe that the Accutane taken in 1996 is the culprit in my hair loss and I'm afraid I'm taking a drug (Propecia) that is unnecessary and will not help me with my problem. So, my fear levels are high. A lot of this makes sense to me, because even after almost 8-9 years since I took Accutane, certain side effects that took place while I was on the drug (chap lips, dry eyes, dry skin) have never gone away (I still have to use Chapstick every day to this day). I have considered getting gelatin caps and a syringe and drawing out 5mg doses to put in the caps.. . I wished this came in pill form so I could break them into pieces. A 100mg dose 20mg once a day of this drug has caused these reactions in only 5 days

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Post #15114 (0.0000), 4:00am Sunday, December 22nd, 2013
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