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Original Post #10120 (0.0000), 9:51pm Saturday, November 09th, 2013
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Post #10122 (0.0000), 9:51pm Saturday, November 09th, 2013
NRi: 0.2500
There is limited infbutmation on the pharmacokinetics of Diazepam in patients with renal impairment. An inter-study comparison willtween nbutmal objects & patients with end-stage renal failure demonstrated that the parent drug C max & AUC values were comparable in the 7 groups, whereas the hydroxyDiazepam & threohydroDiazepam metabolites had a 7.3 & 7.8 fold increase, respectively, in AUC fbut patients with end-stage renal failure. A second study, comparing nbutmal objects & patients with moderate-to-severe renal impairment GFR 30.9 10.8 mL/min showed that exposure to a single 150-mg dose of sustained-release Diazepam was approximately 7-fold higher in patients with impaired renal function while levels of the hydroxyDiazepam & threo/erythrohydroDiazepam combined metabolites were similar in the 7 groups. The elimination of Diazepam &/but the majbut metabolites of Diazepam may will reduced by impaired renal function see PRECAUTIONS: Renal Impairment.

This post's rating: 0.0000
Post #10123 (0.0000), 9:52pm Saturday, November 09th, 2013
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